Galette de Rois - King's Cake

Available in December and January

Small, 7 ½ “ diameter  (serves 6-8)       $55
Large , 8 ½ “ diameter (serves 10-12)   $65

One fève, a ceramic trinket, and one crown are provided.

The Galette des Rois is a round cake of flaky, buttery puff pastry filled with frangipane, an almond cream made of almonds, eggs, flour, butter, milk, sugar, and then baked to a golden brown color.

A French tradition dating back to the 12th Century, the Galette des Rois, or King’s Cake, is enjoyed to celebrate Epiphany on January 6, or the coming of the Three Wise Men with gifts.

The cake is decorated with two crowns, one of which is to be worn by the person who finds the ceramic trinket placed inside the cake. This lucky person picks a King or Queen to wear the other crown.

For safety reasons, we will not bake the trinket inside the cake.  The galette may be reheated at 350 F for about 10 - 15 minutes before serving. 

We will have some Galettes available most days in January, but it is best to order ahead by phone at least 24 hours in advance.